Fitness Audio Mini Transmitter System

The new Fitness Audio Mini Transmitter System comprises of our new SDR5616 Antenna Diversity Receiver and the MT-U8 8 channel mini Transmitter that can be fitted to one of our microphones on either the frame or the end of a standard length of cable - the choice is yours. The Mini Transmitter is supplied with 2 black battery covers and you can also purchase Red, Yellow, Orange & Blue ones to match the colour of your head mic or to identify mics with particular studios. It is powered by one AAA battery, use either Alkaline, Lithium or NiMH rechargeable batteries - you'll get around 5 hours of airtime from an Alkaline AAA. The circuit board is coated with the anti-corrosion lacquer that's exclusive to Fitness Audio and there are no exposed switches so the transmitter is pretty well sealed against sweat.

FLEXIBILITY is our catchword - you can now choose the head mic that will do the job best for you - Aeromic, Cyclemic, EMic, Tie Clip or V*Mic and have it connected to the Mini Tx in the style that best suits the purpose, whether that is on the headframe, at the end of the cable for use with an AMA waist pouch belt or ArmPouch, or simply to put in a pocket for public speakers.

It is available in groups of 8 frequencies matching our 16 channel frequency receivers: In Australia, that's 520-526 (useable everywhere!), 630-650MHz (most major capitals) and 598-610MHz (an alternative group in Australia). Also available In other UHF groups that are legal for use in their respective countries from our international distributors.

What's in the box? Apart from the transmitter, receiver and DC power supply we've also included a 1m unbalanced jack to jack plug cable to hook it up to one of our mixers. You'll get a well-balanced sound when going into the Aeromix 2+2 Mixer and our other mic mixing products.

Information Statements on our Wireless Microphones re the Digital Dividend

1) All our UHF Wireless Microphone Systems are sold as compliant for use since January 1st, 2015.

2) They all operate between 520 and 694MHz.

3) After January 1st, 2015 it has been illegal to operate any wireless microphone system between 694 and 820MHz. Existing users will need to decommission and scrap any non-compliant product before then and update - does that mean you? The Radiocommunications Act has provisions for offenders to be given significant fines and potentially can be jailed! Please check the wireless mic transmitters you have. Call Andrew on 02 8399 1052 if you still have any of our old 800-820MHz systems operating or for information on how to find out how to identify them and update now. All mic systems purchased from us before 1st Jan 2011 were in the 800-820MHz range.

Mini Transmitter Flyer

Receiver & Transmitter Manual

