Offering a stand-out Zumba experience requires exceptional sound quality. If the music fuels the groups’ energy, it only makes sense to invest in a sound system that will allow your members to absorb the pure essence of Zumba and feel what it’s all about.
In this guide, Fitness Audio will break down everything required to host a stand-out Zumba class no matter where you are. What portable sound system is best for offering a stand-out outdoor class? What’s needed to shine online? And lastly, our top pick for an epic indoor experience that will take your Zumba class to the next level.
The fitness industry’s rapid evolution led group classes to offer alternative options outdoors as well as online. With virtual fitness and outdoor group classes becoming widely available, the industry has captured a new fitness audience searching for an accepting community, whilst simultaneously improving their health and well-being.
Right now, many new fitness enthusiasts who began their fitness journey online are taking the next step to live classes. The best part is that they are not giving up their online programs anytime soon.
Live group classes are seeing the benefits of fitness newbies who took the online route. Still, with various options to choose from in a live class, the expectations they have to keep them coming back are similar to what they liked about their online experience.
What do the people want and what do new members expect from a group class? I have been to many group classes where I took a spot at the back or side of the room, especially if it was my first time in attendance and I felt shy. On more than one occasion, I would soon realise my choice of location was a big mistake. I was next to the dreaded dead speaker that made the latest mambo hit sound like a foghorn! Lucky me!
While the ones in the front appeared to be having the time of their lives, the unfortunate souls at the back covered their ears with a horrified look on their faces. Remembering the looks on the faces of the ten or so in that area cracks me up whenever I think about it.
I stayed for a few minutes with the hope that someone would realise what was happening, but I suppose the show must go on, and it did, so I took off.
I never returned to that group class because the risk of disappointment was too high! It was funny how something as simple as an updated sound system would have had me coming back in a heartbeat. So, with that said, let’s dive right into our top recommendations, best suited to offer the total Zumba experience. Capturing its pure essence with a customised sound system will help retain your members and reach a new customer base searching for a good time.
Let’s take a look at what you will need to host a 5-star Zumba class.
Aside from a great attitude and an in-depth knowledge of Zumba class, there are a number of things you will need to host a competitive class. This includes quality audio and lighting products.
Whether your Zumba class is in-person or online, it is of the utmost importance that you have clear and concise sound. This will make your class easy to follow and pump up its atmosphere!
If you’re hosting an in-person class, it’s also worthwhile thinking about studio lighting. Installing dynamic, colour-changing lights into your studio will boost motivation and give your gym that competitive touch.
For all your studio sound and lighting needs, contact Fitness Audio today!